GLossory of Sat II Biology

U–Z U uterus
Structure in the female reproductive system in
which the embryo develops. V vascular cambium
Tissue that produces new vascular cells; lies
between the xylem and phloem in dicot stems.
vascular tissue
A conductive component (either xylem or phloem)
of the vascular system that transports food and nutrients throughout
the plant body.
vegetative propagation
A form of asexual reproduction in which plants
produce genetically identical offshoots (clones) of
themselves, which then develop into independent
plants. vein
A blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart.
The blood in veins is not oxygenated, with the
exception of the pulmonary vein.
An animal that has a skeletal rod of bone or cartilage running up its
back, surrounding the
nerve cord. Segments of this rod are called
vertebrae. All vertebrate animals belong to
subphylum Vertebrata, part of phylum Chordata.
vestigial structures
Bodily structures that developed in the past but no longer serve any
function for an organism.
Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that
increase surface area and maximize the absorption
of nutrients.
vitamins Complex molecules that usually serve as
coenzymes, assisting in physiological processes. W warm-blooded
Animals that have developed fat and fur, hair, or
feathers in order to retain heat produced by
metabolic activities. Also known as endothermic.
Warm-blooded animals are able to thrive in various
climates, because they are minimally affected by environmental
fluctuations in temperature. X xylem
Vascular tissue composed of cells that are dead at
maturity; transports water and dissolved minerals
upward from the roots to the shoot. Z zygote
In sexual reproduction, the diploid product of the
fusion of the father's haploid sperm cell and the
mother's haploid ovum (egg) cell. The single-celled
zygote divides billions of times to form a whole

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