NTS Test, Test Format and Course Outlines

NTS (New Testing System), Pakistan


NTS is a newly introduced system which conducts “Test” for admission into various government colleges and universities in Pakistan. The tests conducted by NTS for admission into colleges and universities called “NAT” (National Aptitude Test) and “GAT”.
  1. Test for students who have completed 12 years  of their education (Intermediate or equivalent) is called NAT-I
  2. Test for students who have completed 14 years  of their education (Graduation or equivalent) is called NAT-II
  3. Tests for students who have completed 16 years of their education (MA, MSc, BSc Honour etc) are called GAT-General or GAT-Subject.

Besides admission tests, the NTS also conducts tests for HEC and foreign Scholarship.

                                  NTS (NAT-I & NAT-II) Test Format

The test is comprised of MCQs only. There are 90 MCQs in NAT-I paper and time duration of NAT-I paper is 2 hours (120 minutes). There are 100 MCQs in NAT-II paper and time duration of NAT-II is 2 hours (120 minutes).

The test is to be answered on computer readable answer sheet (OMR Sheet) by shading the circle for correct option for each MCQ. There is no NEGATIVE MARKING in test.

                        Detail Description of Test – Course outlines for Test

NTS Test is further divided in various categories depending department/groups in which student want to take admission.

  1. NAT-I is further divided in NAT-IA (for Art/Humanities students), NAT-IE (for Pre-engineering students) and NAT-IM (for Pre-medical students).
  2. NAT-II is further divided in NAT-IIA (Art/Social Sciences Group), NAT-IIB (Biological Group), NAT-IIM (Management Group), NAT-IIO (Oriental and Islamic Studies Group) and NAT-IIP (Physical Science Group).
     Each of these tests consists of FOUR parts.
  1. Verbal Reasoning (20 MCQs)
  2. Analytical Reasoning (20 MCQs)
  3. Quantitative Reasoning (20 MCQs)
  4. Subject Knowledge (30 MCS in NAT-I and 40 MCQs in NAT-II paper)
First three parts of are same for all NAT tests but the fourth part differs for different category of NAT. See details in below table.

NAT- IA  (Arts/Humanities Group)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs :   20
1. Islamiyat             (10)
2. Pakistan Studies (10)
3. General Knowledge (5)
4. Current Affairs   (05)

Total MCQs :              30
NAT- IE  (Pre-engineering/Computer Scince)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs :   20
1. Physics           (10)
2. Chemistry/Computer
     Science           (10)
3. Mathematics   (10)

Total MCQs :         30
NAT- IM  (Pre-Medical Group)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra      (04)
3. Geometry   (03)

Total MCQs :    20
1. Physics           (10)
2. Chemistry       (10)
3. Biology            (10)

Total MCQs :         30
NAT- IIA  (Arts/Social Sciences)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs :   20
1. Islamiyat             (10)
2. Pakistan Studies (10)
3. General Knowledge 10
4. Current Affairs   (10)

Total MCQs :              40
NAT- IIO  (Oriental/Islamic Studies)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs :   20
1. Islamic History  (13)
2. Comparison of     Religions            (13)
3. Sources of Islamic     Religion/Quran and &     Hadith                 (14)

Total MCQs :            40
NAT- IIM  (Management Sciences)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs : 20
1. Islamiyat             (05)
2. Pakistan Studies (05)
3. General Business      Envr.                   (10)
4.Pakistan Economy
    (B)                       (05)
5. Management (Basic)10
6. Banking (General) 05

NAT- IIP (Physical Science)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :             20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs :   20
1.Mechanics          (10)
2. Electricity and      Magentis           (05)
3. Waves & Oscillation(5)
4. Modern Physics (10)
5.Heat/Thermodynamic 5
Total MCQs :          40
NAT- IIB  (Biological Sciences)
MCQs : 90     Time Allowed : 120 Minutes
A: Verbal
B: Analytical
C: Quantitative
D: Subject
1.Sentence Completion.5
2. Analogy              (3)
3. Antonym            (4)
4. Comprehension (5)
5. Synonym            (3)
Total MCQs :          20
1. Scenario Based   (12)
2. Statement Based (08)

Total MCQs :              20
1. Arithmetic (13)
2. Algebra     (04)
3. Geometry  (03)

Total MCQs : 20
1. Botany           (20)
2. Zoology         (20)


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