General Instructions For NTS Test

General Instructions For NTS Test

Time of Test
Try to reach at least 30 minutes before test time.

Morning Test, Reporting Time at Test Centre: 8:30 AM. (NO Candidate will be admitted to test centre after 8:45 AM)

Evening Test, Reporting Time at Test Centre: 2:00 PM. (NO Candidate will be admitted to test centre after 2:15 PM)



  1. Reach Test Centre in time. Test Time is written on your Roll Number slip. Try to reach at least 30 minutes before specified time. No candidate will be allowed after specified time.
  2. Bring your Roll Number Slip with you. Without Roll Number Slip candidate will not be allowed in Test Centre.
  3. Bring pen and clip-board with you. Black or blue ball pen can only be used to shade circle for correct options on answer-sheet.
  4. Don’t bring mobile phone, calculator or wrist watch having built in calculator to Test Centre.
  5. Don’t open Question-booklet before you are told to start test.
  6. Question-booklets will be of five different colours and each having questions’ order shuffled. So shade the circle for colour (similar to colour of your question-booklet) on your answer sheet so that your answer sheet be marked according to specific questions’ order of your question-booklet.
  7. Every Candidate is required to sign in the attendance sheet brought to candidate by the invigilator. The Roll Number Slip will also be collected by the same staff.

How to Fill the Answer Sheet

  1. One page printed Answer Sheet is provided to answer the questions. Each question will have five circles as for A, B, C, D and E options. Fill/shade the circle for correct option.
  2. Use only black or blue ball pen to shade/fill circle for correct option. Bring ball pen and clip board with you.
  3. Correct way to fill circle: Suppose C is Correct.

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